Friday, April 4, 2014

Considerations For Crib

Picking out your baby’s crib is one of the biggest decisions you will make during your pregnancy.  With so many big decisions, you want to make them all as fun as possible.  I can’t stress enough that you need to include your partner in any decisions made during your pregnancy, especially your baby’s crib.
When crib shopping, there are a few things to remember.

Safety First-  Luckily, when you are purchasing a new crib, they all meet the safety requirements necessary.  The trouble does come in if you are getting a crib from someone.  The requirements are constantly changing so you must be careful that whatever crib you are getting is safe.  Do your research and be sure whatever crib you are purchasing or receiving does not have recalls on it.  When my husband and I were crib shopping he was going around picking up each crib and shaking them to be sure they were safe.  Slightly embarrassing, but he was right.  You need to be sure the crib is sturdy and safe for your baby.  A big thing for us that raised safety concerns, are the crib bumpers.  They look adorable, but can be cause for suffocation.  Now they have mesh bumpers which give the extra padding for your baby and are safer.

Color- There are so many cribs that are offered in a variety of colors.  Narrow down the colors you may want depending on your nursery theme.  My husband and I wanted espresso and then came across a navy crib which we were originally getting in espresso.  Look at all your color options to be sure it is what you really want.  Some things to keep in mind when picking out a crib color, your baby will eventually start to bite on the side of the crib.  For certain colors any mark will show.  Another note to keep in mind is be sure that whatever crib you chose, if painted, has good paint and will not chip.  You don’t want your baby chewing on the side of the crib and then get a mouthful of paint.

Adjustability- Some cribs have a straight front and some have a slope.  You want to be sure that it will be easy for you to put your baby in the crib and get him or her out.  Something to look for is an adjustable mattress height.

Convertibility- Buying a crib is a big investment, and a pretty important one.  Your baby will grow in the blink of an eye and before you know it you will be buying a big bed.  If you get a crib that converts it will save you a bit of money because it will grow with your baby.  My husband and I have a crib that converts to a full size bed.

Pick Out A Mattress-  There are some key points to remember when picking out the crib mattress.
  • Firmness is super important. Test the inside and the edges of the mattress to be sure it’s a nice firmness.
  • Be sure the fabric of the mattress can handle a beating.
  • It’s crucial that you check to be sure you can’t put more than a two-finger width distance between the crib mattress and the crib.
  • Make sure that the crib sheet fits snugly and can’t be pulled off the mattress.  Once you baby starts grabbing you don’t want him or her to pull them off and start playing because this can cause suffocation.
  • Don’t buy a crib mattress at a store where you can’t return it if it doesn’t fit right.

Protection Plan- Whatever crib you do decide to buy, get a protection plan with it.  Your baby’s crib is not just a toy that they may get sick of and no longer need.  It is his or her bed for a good long while.

Your baby will be spending quite a bit of time in his or her crib.  Make is a safe and comfortable place that your baby will want to be.  

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